Monday, February 11, 2013


This is my dog, Jayce. He isn't technically my dog, because my mom bought him for my stepdad on his birthday, so he's the "family" dog, but I consider him to be my own. I took care of him most. I played with him most. I fed him most. I was the ONLY one who bathed him....maybe not often, but every time he did have a bath. I was the one who cared for Jayce most. 

We were lazy with him, I'll admit that. He didn't get the exercise he needed. If he needed to use the bathroom, we just let him out in the back and let him roam free. It was a bad thing if he escaped....he wasn't really socialized enough as a puppy, so he's not good with other dogs....One time he escaped because someone didn't close the garage door all the way, and when he ran outside, my sister was playing with her friend and her friend's little dog. 

I wasn't there to witness it, but Jayce ran toward the little dog, and we knew what he was planning on doing. My sister's friend knew as well, so she grabebd her dog and held it in her hands. My mom said Jayce jumped and snatched the little dog right out of that girl's hand, and started attacking it. Poor thing. It was a very traumatizing experience for both my sister and my mom. The little dog had so much internal bleeding, he ended up passing away at the vet. I feel so bad for that family.

There was another time when Jayce escaped, and I was the only one home. The lawn mower people didn't close the backyward fence, and he ended up escaping around 8 o'clock at night. I went to go get him after letting him out to pee about 5-10 minutes later, and he wasn't outside, so I hopped onto my bike and went searching for him. As I was riding through my neighborhood, I found him, and he was running toward this guy walking his rotweiler. I bet you can guess what happened.....Jayce attacked the poor rotweiler. 

At first I quiclky hopped off of my bike, but froze out of shock because I didn't know what to do. Jayce was biting the dog, but I feared he would bite me if I tried to pull him off of the other dog. About 5 seconds pass, and the guy ends up cursing at me to get my damn dog off of his dog, so I pull him by the fur and clasp his leash on him. I apologied a million times, while the guy furiously cursed at me for a good while, After that, I got onto my bike, my legs still shaking and weak, and pedaled home as fast as I could.

The minute I got home, I beat him, my eyes full of tears. I felt embarrassed. I felt humiliated. I felt hurt that my dogs would do such things. But we had no one to blame but ourselves. It was our fault we didn't socialize him enough as a puppy. Just the fact that Jayce would ever do such a thing broke my heart.

Seeing it now, if I had the option, I would've taken Jayce with me. It sucks my stepmom doesn't like dogs. If only my aunt still had her condo. First floor, a long strip of grass for dogs to run around in the backyard, a good enough space in the living room inside and all of that. She has a bulldog, so that situation would've helped socialize Jayce. I would've taken him to dog classes. I could've kept him in my room if things didn't work out at first, but I would definitely make things work out to where he can have dog friends. I miss Jayce, basically.

He really wasn't all bad. There were cute qualities to him too. He loves his family. I made sure to show him much love and quality time as soon as I got home from school. I played with him. I fed him. I layed on the floor with him and just talked to him as if he understood what I was saying. I love Jayce, and I really do hope that my mom doesn't give him away. I hope he's getting taken care of over there....when I do move out, I do want to go over there and get him. He's my companion. He loves me. He keeps me company. He needs me :(

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